
Blue skies are here again. I saw a flower blooming yellow against the green grass growing through cracks in the trottoir . Temperatures have been hovering around a very warm 7 degrees lately: the Inconvenient Truth is all around. =S Please buy hybrid cars!

Hope everybody had a very happy Chinese New Year. Thank goodness for internet telephony. Why, I’m even in one of my sister’s CNY pictures (albeit just as a disembodied voice), multi-tasker superhuman that she is. (=

Mid-terms are over! Spent an inordinate amount of time stressing, but Prague beckons now. Armed with a Lonely Planet ‘Citiz’ guide (in French, hélas), we shall attempt very seriously not to get lost on the way from the airport to the hotel, from the hotel to the airport and everywhere in between for the next few days. This should be the first of many holidays to come in the near future (one of them being scuba diving..?) Now just to get through the remainder of the semester..
Hope I haven’t left anything behind. Be well and thanks again for all the support! (=

~ by grossomodo on February 24, 2007.

8 Responses to “Quickie”

  1. Enjoy yourself on this holiday yea.. But make sure your take care too! Deeply missed by everyone here.. =)

  2. si I love you!!

  3. heya, hope you’re enjoying praha! heeee 🙂 🙂

  4. Enjoy Prague dear! Good bonding time with ur friends 🙂 Glad for you. Take lots of pics and oh ya! help me get a shot glass! any touristy shotglass with the words “prague” on it ! or smth alluding to prague. hah. thanks lots.. enjoy urself tremendously 🙂

  5. are you back yet!

  6. u are finally back!!! Can’t say how happy i am feeling.. =))) Must upload more pics for the next post k. can’t wait to see u. haha..

  7. wahaha ton prahaha comme surnom était trop bête, mais drôle comme même! g la flemme à travailler. que faire?? mon taquin te manque? hehe. j’attends à un poste exceptionnel décrivant le séjour à prague =) bon wkend

  8. Hey D, you i love too. Why don’t we see each other online anymore?!

    Thanks Kav! (=

    Yuanny you have a coin with Prague Castle minted on it.. by me, no less. =DD

    Yep it’s good to be back, to see and be seen.. ((=

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